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Organization - Army of the time Agency of Global Security

About the army of the time

Our Global Security Agency It addresses the problems that affect the correct succession of chronological events, in multiple synchronizations. We maintain coherence in the face of possible conflicts that disrupt the convergence and expression of the set of identities..

With principle of minimum necessary intervention required, We carry out punctual actions of various kinds, always within the framework of non-causal interference.

The Agency for Control and Analysis of Synchronous Events It is made up of multidisciplinary members of different nationalities.

Protection of Synchronicities

The main objective of the Synchronicity Army It is to maintain the coherent meaning of acausal events secure for a correct convergence towards a Narrative of identities that resolves their own aspirations..

The fate of the events follows the Treaty X9617PTS-0ME approved and ratified in all future cycles and events by the superior council of the Agency for Control and Analysis of Synchronous Events.

Intervention Policy in Synchronicities

The Agency for Control and Analysis of Synchronous Events, for the correct course of events, has authority over performance powers. Restricting to a minimum its chronological involvement in different convergent events, and always outside of individual interests or that favor an unregulated group external to the organization.